Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Needs To Shut Up!

Occupy Wall Street needs to shut its stupid mouth.
How dare they count every person in the ninety-nine percent they talk about as in with them.
They do not have a right to speak for me.
I like the rich.
Many of them started with nothing or almost nothing.
Steve Jobs and countless others became VERY rich after being very poor.
They did not complain.
They had ideas and went with them.
The top one percent creates jobs.
Our companies, stores, firms and on and on that employ millions were not started by poor people.
They were started by the wealthy.
Now, OWS states that the rich are our enemy.
Great, go against those who create so much.
Occupy Wall Street has got to be the most stupid bunch of idiots to ever band together.
They have no real clue as to what they are doing.
In Los Angeles, they accomplished nothing and left a mess that cost the city a lot of money.
They talk for the entire ninety-nine percent, but of those ninety-nine percent of the people, about ninety percent are working.
I live in Beverly Hills and I'm doing fine.
I don't need Occupy Wall Street to tell me what to do.

George Vreeland Hill

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